Helpful Stan Functions
Johnson Quantile Parameterized Distributions (J-QPD) functions


real JQPDS_qf (real p, real lower_bound, data real alpha, vector quantiles)
real JQPDS2_qf (real p, real lower_bound, real alpha, vector quantiles)
real JQPDB_qf (real p, row_vector bounds, data real alpha, vector quantiles)

Detailed Description

Christopher C. Hadlock, J. Eric Bickel The Generalized Johnson Quantile-Parameterized Distribution System. Decision Analysis 16 (1) 67-85

#include array_ops/logical_array.stanfunctions
real JQPDS_qf(real p, real lower_bound, data real alpha, vector quantiles) {
if (p < 0 || p > 1)
reject("p must be between 0 and 1");
if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)
reject("alpha must be between 0 and 1");
if (rows(quantiles) != 3)
reject("quantiles must have three elements");
if (in_order({lower_bound, quantiles[1], quantiles[2], quantiles[3],
positive_infinity()})) {
real c = inv_Phi(1 - alpha);
vector[3] quantiles_ = quantiles - lower_bound;
real L = log(quantiles_[1]);
real B = log(quantiles_[2]);
real H = log(quantiles_[3]);
real HmL = H - L;
real denom = fmin(B - L, H - B);
real numer = sinh(acosh(0.5 * HmL / denom));
real delta = numer / c;
real lambda = denom / numer;
real LHm2B = L + H - 2 * B;
real k = sqrt(1 + square(numer));
real n;
real theta;
real z;
if (LHm2B < 0) {
n = -1;
theta = quantiles_[3];
z = inv_Phi(p);
} else if (LHm2B > 0) {
n = 1;
theta = quantiles_[1];
z = inv_Phi(p);
} else {
// LHm2B = 0 -> removable discontinuity
real sigma = delta != 0 ? lambda * delta : (H - B) / c;
theta = quantiles_[2];
return lower_bound + theta * exp(sigma * inv_Phi(p));
// return lower_bound + theta * exp(lambda * sinh(asinh(delta * z) + asinh(n * numer)));
// section 1.2
return lower_bound
+ theta * exp(lambda * delta * (k * z + n * c * sqrt(1 + square(delta * z))));
return not_a_number(); // never reaches
real JQPDS2_qf(real p, real lower_bound, real alpha, vector quantiles) {
if (p < 0 || p > 1)
reject("p must be between 0 and 1");
if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)
reject("alpha must be between 0 and 1");
if (rows(quantiles) != 3)
reject("quantiles must have three elements");
if (in_order({lower_bound, quantiles[1], quantiles[2], quantiles[3],
positive_infinity()})) {
real c = inv_Phi(1 - alpha);
vector[3] quantiles_ = quantiles - lower_bound;
real L = log(quantiles_[1]);
real B = log(quantiles_[2]);
real H = log(quantiles_[3]);
real HmL = H - L;
real denom = fmin(B - L, H - B);
real temp = acosh(0.5 * HmL / denom);
real delta = temp * inv(c);
real lambda = denom * inv(sinh(temp));
real LHm2B = L + H - 2 * B;
real n;
real theta;
if (LHm2B < 0) {
n = -1;
theta = quantiles_[3];
} else if (LHm2B > 0) {
n = 1;
theta = quantiles_[1];
} else {
// LHm2B = 0 -> removable discontinuity
return lower_bound + quantiles[2] * exp(lambda * sinh(delta * inv_Phi(p)));
return lower_bound + theta * exp(lambda * sinh(delta * (inv_Phi(p) + n * c)));
return not_a_number(); // never reaches
real JQPDB_qf(real p, row_vector bounds, data real alpha, vector quantiles) {
if (cols(bounds) != 2)
reject("bounds must have two elements");
if (bounds[2] == positive_infinity()) {
return JQPDS2_qf(p, alpha, bounds[1], quantiles);
if (p < 0 || p > 1)
reject("p must be between 0 and 1");
if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)
reject("alpha must be between 0 and 1");
if (rows(quantiles) != 3)
reject("quantiles must have three elements");
if (in_order({bounds[1], quantiles[1], quantiles[2], quantiles[3], bounds[2]})) {
real c = inv_Phi(1 - alpha);
real l = bounds[1];
real u = bounds[2];
real uml = u - l;
real L = inv_Phi((quantiles[1] - l) / uml);
real B = inv_Phi((quantiles[2] - l) / uml);
real H = inv_Phi((quantiles[3] - l) / uml);
real HmL = H - L;
real delta = acosh(0.5 * HmL / fmin(B - L, H - B)) / c;
real lambda = HmL / sinh(2 * delta * c);
real LHm2B = L + H - 2 * B;
real n;
real zeta;
if (LHm2B < 0) {
n = -1;
zeta = H;
} else if (LHm2B > 0) {
n = 1;
zeta = L;
} else {
// LHm2B = 0 -> removable discontinuity
return l + uml * Phi(B + 0.5 * HmL / c * inv_Phi(p));
return l + uml * Phi(zeta + lambda * sinh(delta * (inv_Phi(p) + n * c)));
return not_a_number(); // never reached
real JQPDB_qf(real p, row_vector bounds, data real alpha, vector quantiles)
Definition: johnson_qf.stanfunctions:210
real JQPDS_qf(real p, real lower_bound, data real alpha, vector quantiles)
Definition: johnson_qf.stanfunctions:52
real JQPDS2_qf(real p, real lower_bound, real alpha, vector quantiles)
Definition: johnson_qf.stanfunctions:135
int in_order(array[] real theta)
Definition: logical_array.stanfunctions:16

Function Documentation

◆ JQPDB_qf()

real JQPDB_qf ( real  p,
row_vector  bounds,
data real  alpha,
vector  quantiles 

Quantile function of the J-QPD-B bounded distribution

\begin{aligned} F^{-1}(p, u, l, x_\alpha) = l + (u - l)\theta \Phi(\xi + \lambda \sinh(\delta \Phi^{-1}(p) + nc)) \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} c &= \Phi^{-1}(1 - \alpha), \\ L &= \Phi^{-1}\bigg( \frac{x_\alpha - l}{u - l} \bigg), \\ B &= \Phi^{-1}\bigg( \frac{ x_{0.5} - l}{u - l} \bigg), \\ H &= \Phi^{-1}\bigg( \frac{x_{1-\alpha} - l}{u - l} \bigg), \\ n &= \text{sgn}(L + H - 2B) \\ \theta &= \begin{cases} L, \, n = 1 \\ B, \, n = 0 \\ H, \, n = -1 \end{cases}, \\ \delta &= \frac{1}{c} \cosh^{-1}\bigg(\frac{H - L}{2\min(B-L, \, H-B)} \bigg), \\ \lambda &= \frac{H - L}{\sinh(2\delta c)}. \end{aligned}

See equation 7 of

preal cumulative probability
alphafixed proportion of distribution below quantiles[1]
boundsvector of size two containing the lower and upper bounds
quantilesvector of size three ordered quantiles
real number greater than lower_bound
rejectif \( p \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif bounds \( \ne 2 \)
rejectif \( \alpha \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif quantiles \( != 3\)

◆ JQPDS2_qf()

real JQPDS2_qf ( real  p,
real  lower_bound,
real  alpha,
vector  quantiles 

Quantile function of the J-QPD-S-II semi-bounded distribution, which lacks moments

\begin{aligned} F^{-1}(p, l, x_\alpha) = l + \theta \exp(\lambda \sinh(\delta \Phi^{-1}(p) + nc)) \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} c &= \Phi^{-1}(1 - \alpha), \\ L &= \log(x_\alpha - l), \\ B &= \log(x_{0.5} - l), \\ H &= \log(x_{1-\alpha} - l), \\ n &= \text{sgn}(L + H - 2B) \\ \theta &= \begin{cases} x_\alpha - 1, \, n = 1 \\ x_{0.5} - l, \, n = 0 \\ x_{1-\alpha} - 1, \, n = -1 \end{cases}, \\ \delta &= \frac{1}{c} \cosh^{-1}\bigg(\frac{H - L}{2\min(B-L, \, H-B)} \bigg), \\ \lambda &= \frac{1}{\sinh(\delta c)}\min(H - B, \, B - L). \end{aligned}

See equation 14 of It is the limit of the J-QPD-B distribution as the upper bound diverges.

preal cumulative probability
alphafixed proportion of distribution below quantiles[1]
lower_boundreal lower bound to the random variable
quantilesvector of size three ordered quantiles
real number greater than lower_bound
rejectif \( p \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif \( \alpha \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif quantiles \( \ne 3\)

◆ JQPDS_qf()

real JQPDS_qf ( real  p,
real  lower_bound,
data real  alpha,
vector  quantiles 

Quantile function of the J-QPD-S semi-bounded distribution, which has moments

\begin{aligned} F^{-1}(p, l, x_\alpha) = l + \theta \exp(\lambda \sinh(\sinh_{-1}(\delta \Phi^{-1}(p) + \sinh^{-1}(nc\delta)))) \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} c &= \Phi^{-1}(1 - \alpha), \\ L &= \log(x_\alpha - l), \\ B &= \log(x_{0.5} - l), \\ H &= \log(x_{1-\alpha} - l), \\ n &= \text{sgn}(L + H - 2B) \\ \theta &= \begin{cases} x_\alpha - 1, \, n = 1 \\ x_{0.5} - l, \, n = 0 \\ x_{1-\alpha} - 1, \, n = -1 \end{cases}, \\ \delta &= \frac{1}{c}\sinh\bigg( \cosh^{-1}\bigg(\frac{H - L}{2\min(B-L, \, H-B)} \bigg) \bigg), \\ \lambda &= \frac{1}{\delta c}\min(H - B, \, B - L). \end{aligned}

See equation 9 of

preal cumulative probability
alphafixed proportion of distribution below quantiles[1]
lower_boundreal lower bound to the random variable
quantilesvector of size three ordered quantiles
real number greater than lower_bound
rejectif \( p \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif \( \alpha \notin [0, 1] \)
rejectif quantiles \( \ne 3\)